Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I miss it, lotss =] i made it in US, no lies this time. making it, =/ well, it was certainly easier than my exams ; eating it, it was uber awesome !! *grins* what a colourful house, wish i had a house like that. I'd go live in it, gosh, going to build myself one to live in next time, if i can. ohh yeahh, the house, this house, was supposedly meant to be someones birthday cake, or birthday house ,whatever. but, *gulps* i and a few other kids managed to demolish it before the birthday party even started. *shrugs* no one scolded us. ;P am still looking for a chance to make another. :D sweet toothed, i LOVE candy. its lucky i don't wear dentures already =S *touch wood!! *


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