Thankyousomuch ;)
Hell ,how did those dinosaurs people manage to survive so long without plumbing system ;O
Just imagine having no shower heads and taps our whole lives!
Just one day was pretty bad for us. it us...or is it just me ;S
sigh..all the malls were packed with people suffering the consequences of pba (gahh) being unefficient
I decided to stay at home
only cause i decided it wasnt worth squeezing my way thru :P
I got so bored i decided to thank all these people here ,instead of sending thanksyou cards and wasting paper and stamps and saliva for licking them and whatnot
(see i'm soo eco-friendly) ;)
plus this is faster and possibly less work.
see Santa i'm so good you'll probably have to get me a big huge present next year ;)
(considering the fact that I havent heard from you this year although i've been prettty good ,yuo're a terrible spy you know that >[ )
This one's from Chris.
EDP ,britney's lastest. Believe.
thankyousomuchandpleasestopaskingthepostmanwhereismythankyoucard ==
This is from my Godsis, Evelyn
she probably lost track of time and thought I'm still 5
I mean just look at that bottle!
I kid you not! T____T
Still, thanks sis *hugg ;) I love the EDT THANKYOUSOMUCH ohh and snowhite ._. she's rather horny.
This is from another Godsis, Adeline.
Thankyou so muchh but to be honest I almost fainted when i opened the bottle. (doesnt matter ,she wont be reaing this anyway ,at least i hope not )
Eugene ,I do not have eyes that resemble omelettes T__T
but still ,thank you very much,i guesss
This ones from Phei Ling
bought with ulterior motives i suspect ;)
she just wanted to go meet Kim Hyun Joong ,
the reason is still unclear thou ._.
but anyway ,thankyou muchss dear :)
These two came together ,from MiChween
Thanks so much darling, i'll sell them when i get poor :P the gold was rather unecessary
but i still love em <3
Godmom ,Godpa ,thanks ._.
although i remember rather clearly i stated that i wanted i gun and not this. but stilll :D:D
Jern, thanks. this was unexpected .no offense.
I didnt even expect you to come ,teehheeeee
Juan ,thankyou!! x] this is so thoughtful
(he's only 9 ,and this is out of his own piggybank)
SueAnn ,EuJin
thanks ;P
I even forgive you for stalking me in fb and pestering me bout Nic ;)
This is what I currently have now. It still isnt much...
June!! Wi Wen,
thanks so much ;* ;*
i really love this lil red guyy
Christmaas planss ::
Movie ,popcorn, laughter, chic flick ;)
teehheee ;)
and thanks to all those which i left out, and sorry ._.
I had to, the post is getting rather long-ishh :D
PS : I Love You<3
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